Thursday, January 14, 2010

More and more pics!

Below are pictures catching us up over the past several months!

More pics!!!


Kissing at 5???

Last night Paige told me that she kissed a boy at school (on the cheek). I told her that was not appropriate and not to do it again! Today when I went to pick-her-up from school, I went to talk to her teacher about the whole kissing thing, so she knew I had talked with her about it already. Before I even mentioned it to the teacher she says to me, "Today Paige kissed Jake at school today and made him cry because he was so embarrassed." So I had another talk with her. Her response as to why she keeps doing it...."Mom, I'm just trying to find my kissing mate." "YOUR WHAT???!!!" Apparently she has been watching a bit too much Discovery Kids Channel!

MLK Day??

Paige comes home from school the other day saying, "Mom, did you know there was a king who lived a long, long time ago that had a dream?! His name is Martin Luther King Jr." She is so cute!

Lost tooth and Speech Therapy

On our trip back from Utah, Paige lost her first tooth! It was on January 3rd we had just finished eating dinner in Elko and Paige asked if there was a bone or something stuck in her teeth. When I examined her mouth I told her that her toother was loose and almost ready to come out. I wiggled it a bit, but it wasn't quite ready. I told her that it would probably take a little while still for it to come out. We got back in the car and within 5 minutes she had wiggled and pulled her first tooth out!!! She was so excited. Then after a few minutes she started to cry. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I don't want to have to go to speech therapy!" Mommy: What are you talking about? Paige: When kids can't talk properly our teacher makes them go to speech. Mommy: Paige, you can talk properly. Paige: No, I can't say my "s" properly because I lost a tooth. My teacher taught us the all I want for Christmas song and when you lose your 2 front teeth you can't talk right. Mommy: Paige, honey, you will be fine. (I actually had to have her talk to Nana so that she would be comforted that she wouldn't have to go to speech). She was happy when she found the 4 quarters that the tooth fairy left. When she woke we were in a hotel and it looked as if the tooth fairy might have forgotten to leave the money, but after she took a quick trip to the potty, mommy helped her find it under a near by pillow. *wink*

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Almost 6 going on 16!!!!

Where has my poor innocent baby gone??!! A few funny stories on my sweet baby girl, Paige. A few weeks ago as I was picking up Paige from school she got in the car and was in a very bad mood. She told me that I was so mean for not allowing her to have a dog. I sweetly reminded her that mommy and daddy decided to have children and not animals, because mommy is only cleaning up after one poopy thing at a time. That answer was apparently not acceptable. Here's how it the conversation went: Mommy: Paige don't you want to have another brother or sister some day? Paige: (starts sobbing) No! No! Hunter is too much work for me! He hits me, takes my toys, doesn't listen and obey....Boys are just too hard. Mommy: I know. Believe me I have those days too. Paige: Can't you just send him back? Mommy: Honey, it doesn't work that way. Maybe our next baby will be a girl. Paige: Okay, if it is a girl then it will be okay. But only a girl! Mommy: I can't make any promises, I don't really have any control of that though. She just couldn't drop the subject, so after getting really frustrated I told her that she can no longer ask for a dog. MOMMY: Mommy and Daddy know that you want one and when we are ready for one WE WILL TELL YOU!!!!