Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Almost 6 going on 16!!!!

Where has my poor innocent baby gone??!! A few funny stories on my sweet baby girl, Paige. A few weeks ago as I was picking up Paige from school she got in the car and was in a very bad mood. She told me that I was so mean for not allowing her to have a dog. I sweetly reminded her that mommy and daddy decided to have children and not animals, because mommy is only cleaning up after one poopy thing at a time. That answer was apparently not acceptable. Here's how it the conversation went: Mommy: Paige don't you want to have another brother or sister some day? Paige: (starts sobbing) No! No! Hunter is too much work for me! He hits me, takes my toys, doesn't listen and obey....Boys are just too hard. Mommy: I know. Believe me I have those days too. Paige: Can't you just send him back? Mommy: Honey, it doesn't work that way. Maybe our next baby will be a girl. Paige: Okay, if it is a girl then it will be okay. But only a girl! Mommy: I can't make any promises, I don't really have any control of that though. She just couldn't drop the subject, so after getting really frustrated I told her that she can no longer ask for a dog. MOMMY: Mommy and Daddy know that you want one and when we are ready for one WE WILL TELL YOU!!!!

1 comment:

Rainee said...

wow...little drama queen. :) I understand!