Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day in the life...

My kids crack me up sometimes! Hunter is obsessed with hats, daddy's camo hats in particular. Every morning he goes to Matt's closet and points up and says, "hat! hat!" I handed him one of Matt's Kings hats and he said, "No!! Ish, Ish!" He says "ish" for fish and I then realized he associated Matt's camo hats with fish and wanted his hat. Matt just went and bought Hunter his own camo hat and he wears all the time carrying his little fishing pole. Looks like he is going to be following in his daddy's footsteps. Paige says the funniest things. She is always telling me that she doesn't want to be in preschool any more, but wants to be in High School (thanks to High School Musical). I found a preschool that is actually on the campus of a High School and taught by students in the child development class there. When I told Paige about her new preschool she was thrilled and asked, "Do they sing too?" I told her that it wasn't like the teenagers in High School Musical and she was a bit disappointed. She is 4 going on 14!


Adrienne said...

Hmmmm...a daughter who is 4 going on 14, huh? That doesn't sound like Rosanne at all! Love you anyway!

Mandi said...

Guess what I updated as well. Cute blog. It's fun once you know what to do! I am getting super excited for TOFW. This is a perfect time of year to have it. The mom overwhelming feelings are starting to return already! We'll have to meet up some time this week! T-ball is over so that frees us up three days a week now!!!!!!!!

DirknRory said...

"I'm soarin', flyin'"! Tell Paigee that she can sing there even though no one else will be! She's a free spirit! love ya, rory