Friday, January 25, 2008

Who actually reads these blogs anyways?!

So I am obviously not good with this whole blogging thing. Not much going on in our lives besides the every day craziness. Paige is still one of the smartest 3 year olds (although she insists that she is 4 already). She'll be 4 next month and going on 40! She cracks us up constantly with her quick wit and humor. Hunter is such a good baby. He seems to be getting so big to us, but when we compare him to other babies his age he is so much smaller. So at 7 months old he weighs in at 16 lbs. 13 oz. Today he just started to REALLY crawl. For the past month or so he has been on his hands and knees and scooting along like a worm, but tonight he finally got his arms and legs working together. I'm not too thrilled with this new phase of mobility! :) He is constantly bumping his head on the floor and eating any and everything he can get his hands on (he prefers to chew on plastic and paper). So between the 2 kids I am on my toes. My new obsession is coupon clipping and deal shopping. WOW, have my eyes been opened! There are some insane discount shoppers out there. My newest favorite website is It is amazing! I have already saved so much money from using their tips and coupons. I'm really trying to update this blog, but I can't seem to figure out how to set-up the slideshow. Although I have been able to finally post pics. Maybe one of these days I will get good at this whole techno world!